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Gearing Up for and Participating In ... The Hour of Code

Lately, we have hit the pause button on our library sleuthing skills and tuned into our tech problem-solving skills to participate in the Ho...

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

New for 2016-2017

Hello, library detectives! We've got a lot of really fun stuff coming down the pipeline for this year in the North Andover public elementary schools, and we're so excited to get started!

We have two new library media specialists (LMS) joining us this year - if you haven't met Mrs. Mullally yet, check out her introductory blog post here. One more librarian will be joining the team very soon, so stay tuned!

In addition to our staff changes, we've also changed up our library schedule a bit. This year, every student in the elementary schools will get to see their school's LMS on a regular basis - last year, we only had one LMS across five schools so achieving that goal was pretty tricky.

We're also hoping to increase co-taught lessons between the LMS and classroom teachers, which we hope will enhance the already stellar learning happening in the classrooms.

Finally, we'll be re-thinking our library spaces in order to maximize student learning and support all learning styles and abilities.

Are you ready? Library time begins soon, so get excited North Andover!

- Mrs. Ahearn

1 comment:

  1. Exciting times for the elementary students of North Andover. Love the blog. Have a great year.
